The terminal, located in Area 29 of the Alti Fondali dock, specialises in the handling of solid bulk cargo destined for various industries in central and northern Italy. The company’s facilities, available resources, and organisation of work allow it to manage traffic while minimising the time ships spend on the docks, performing operational activities, and achieving high productivity rates in full respect of the environment. The terminal is connected to the railway network.
A new company since 2009

Terminal Alti Fondali SavonaKEY MILESTONES
Start of construction
The Port Authority of Savona starts construction work on the dock, civil works and the new terminal facilities.
The new terminal
Construction of the new bulk cargo terminal at the Alti Fondali dock in the port of Savona is completed. The new terminal is inaugurated in the same year.
The concession for landing, temporary storage and redelivery facilities is entrusted to Società Funiviaria Alto Tirreno (SFAT).
The concession for landing, temporary storage and redelivery facilities is entrusted to Società Funiviaria Alto Tirreno (SFAT).
Terminal Alti Fondali Savona S.r.l. founded (TAFS)
The new company is founded. It is overseen by Italiana Coke, which has taken over the concession for managing the terminal from the previous concession-holder. The first ship docks in July.
Expansion of range of machinery
TAFS purchases a self-propelled port crane with a 100-tonne capacity, which is added to the unloading system already in use at the terminal.
Connection to Funivie cableways
The works for connecting the terminal with the cableway facilities are completed and the direct transfer of goods from the port of Savona to San Giuseppe di Cairo, to the Funivie warehouses and the Italian Coke coking plant, is established.
New hopper built
A new mobile hopper is built that allows the Funivie facilities to be supplied not only via the continuous unloader but also with the self-propelled crane.